Owned Collectively

Your homeFunded Collectively

We can get by with a little help from our friends. And families. And uncles. Even that random bloke from down the road. With support you can to make your dream home come true right now.

You tell us what you need - we'll do the rest.

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Our mission

Collectively helping you own your next home

It’s time to start your homeownership journey and plan for your financial future. Start growing your wealth as well as the wealth of the collective that will help you get there, with us, in it, together.

Home Buyers

It's simple, you choose the percent(%) of the property you want to own (or can simply afford). Then invite family, friends, and/or professional property investors to form an ownership group that will acquire the remaining percentage of that property. The ownership contribution, combined with your deposit creates your overall down payment.

Property Investors

You may be a professional property investor, or just want to diversify your portfolio, or a parent looking to help your kids get on the property ladder. Whichever situation you find yourself in, our platform will match you to a property that's a great fit for your overall portfolio.

Existing Home Owners

You've spent years paying off your house now you'd like to see some of those capital gains for yourself. We will get a current evaluation for your property. You then can choose what percentage you would like to release into the marketplace, making it easy to draw down funds into your bank account.

Financial Institutions

Want to offer mortgage services without the hassle of having to manage the systems yourself? We provide a whitelabel solution to allow your customers to collectively fund the mortgage that's right for them.

Mortgage & Remortgage

Get your
dream home

Seven out of ten first time buyers have been priced out of the property market and those who can make it are often stretched to the limit.

Avg. London first time buyers


Avg. Home cost


Avg. Income


Avg. Deposit

Try your own calculation

Traditional purchase




Unavailable capital based on income
Bank loan
Your deposit


Average monthly spend

* 63 months of £3446 at 5.34%

* 237 months of £3531 at 5.59%

Income needs to be £65k higher to qualify for the full loan.

Owned Collectively




Bank loan
Collective equity
Your deposit


Average monthly spend*

* 63 months of £1683 at 5.34%

* 237 months of £1725 at 5.59%

including max £182 monthly rental payment to equity owners



We've spent time writing down the most common questions that come up during the Owned Collectively process.

Investing for the future

Support friends and family
with a solid investment

Play with the values to see how your capital could have grown.

Your investment




over the last


in the


Find a property to invest in

Your OC investment would now be worth £NaN

Based on historical property price data for this location, the value of your capital would have increased 0% vs. a tradition bank account that would have increased by 0%.

A rising tidelifts all ships

We are passionate about helping people become homeowners, and building wealth for everyone. If this sounds like a mission that makes sense to you, then come and join us. We are looking for all different kinds of roles to help us build the future of homeownership.

Owned Collectively

© Copyright 2023 Owned Collectively Ltd. All rights reserved.